Changing the Plot Legend View in a Digital Waveform Graph

The digital waveform graph provides two views of the plot legend. Change the view of the plot legend to either the standard view or tree view to display digital line and bus information. The plot legend in tree view allows you to expand and contract digital buses both in the plot legend and in the plot area of the graph, while the plot legend in standard view allows you to view digital lines.

To change from the tree view of the plot legend to the standard view of the plot legend, right-click the digital waveform graph and select Advanced�Switch Plot Legend to Standard View from the shortcut menu. To change back to the tree view of the plot legend, right-click the digital waveform graph and select Advanced�Switch Plot Legend to Tree View from the shortcut menu.

Note��LabVIEW deletes any allocated lines when you change from the standard view of the plot legend to the tree view of the plot legend, including any custom line settings. Additionally, you cannot allocate lines in the plot legend when the tree view is enabled.

To disable the plot legend regardless of the selected view, right-click the digital waveform graph and select Advanced�Disable Plot Legend from the shortcut menu to place a checkmark next to the menu item. You also can use the Legend:Disable property to disable the plot legend programmatically.

You also can use the Digital Tree View property to change the view of the plot legend on a digital waveform graph programmatically.