Use the plot legend to customize how each plot appears in the plot area of a graph or chart. Click a glyph in the plot legend and select from the following options in the shortcut menu to customize how the plot appears in the plot area of a graph or chart:
Note��You also can configure a digital waveform plot to specify how numbers and plot lines appear on a digital waveform graph.
Plot Visible—Sets whether to display the plot on the graph or chart.
Note If a graph or chart has multiple plots, right-click the plot legend and select Visible Items»Plot Visibility Checkbox to display a checkbox next to each plot. Remove checkmarks from the plots you do not want to display.
Common Plots—Provides options for the plot type. You can select a line, scatter, line and symbol, fill, comb, or bar plot type.
Color—Displays the color picker so you can select the color of the plot.
Line Style—Provides solid and dashed line styles.
Line Width—Provides line widths.
Anti-Aliased—Place a checkmark next to this item to make line plots appear smoother. Anti-aliased line drawing can be computation intensive. Using anti-aliased line plots can slow performance.
Note��Anti-aliased line drawing is not available on digital waveform graphs.
Bar Plots—Provides bar plot options.
Fill Base Line—Provides options for filling in space below the plot with the same color as the plot. If the graph or chart has multiple plots, you can select another plot at the bottom of the shortcut menu to fill the space below the plot up to the other plot.
Interpolation—Provides interpolation options, including plotting only data points.
Point Style—Provides point styles for the data points.
Note��To change the size of the data points, you must use the Line Width option to change the line width for the plot.
X Scale—Sets the variable to associate with the x-axis.
Y Scale—Sets the variable to associate with the y-axis.
You also can use the Plot properties to customize how a plot appears in the plot area programmatically.