Creating a Strictly Typed VI Reference to Call VIs Dynamically

Create a strictly typed VI reference, a reference with a strict type definition, to call a VI dynamically using either the Call By Reference node or the Start Asynchronous Call node. The strictly typed VI reference identifies both the VI you are calling and its connector pane.

Complete the following steps to create a strictly typed VI reference to use with the Call By Reference node or the Start Asynchronous Call node.

  1. Add the Open VI Reference function to the block diagram.

     Add  Find
  2. Wire the path to the VI you want to use to create the strictly typed reference to the vi path input of the Open VI Reference function.
  3. Right-click the type specifier VI Refnum input of the Open VI Reference function and select Create»Constant from the shortcut menu.
  4. Right-click the type specifier VI Refnum constant, select Select VI Server Class»Browse, and select a VI from the file dialog box that appears. You also can select the VI icon in the upper right corner of a front panel window or block diagram window and drag the icon to the type specifier VI Refnum constant. After you select a VI, a strikeout icon () indicating that the reference is strictly typed appears in the upper left corner of the reference.
Note  The connector pane of the VI you select must match the connector pane of the VI whose path you wired to the vi path input of the Open VI Reference function. You can use the same VI for both inputs.

Now the vi reference output of the Open VI Reference function is a strictly typed VI reference.