Configuring the VI Server

Complete the following steps to configure the VI Server.

  1. Select Tools»Options to display the Options dialog box.
  2. (Optional) The default VI Server configuration is suitable for most applications. Select VI Server from the Category list if you need to change this default configuration. The default configuration allows ActiveX to call LabVIEW, but does not allow TCP/IP as a protocol. To use TCP/IP with other LabVIEW applications, place a checkmark in the TCP/IP checkbox and configure the Machine Access settings.
  3. If you want to control browser access to the VIs or specify which VIs remote applications can control, configure the Machine Access and Exported VIs options.
  4. Click the OK button to close the Options dialog box and save the changes.
Note  If a target in a LabVIEW project supports the VI Server, you can configure the VI Server for the target using the Properties dialog box for the target. For example, use the My Computer Properties dialog box to configure the VI Server for the My Computer target.