Adding and Duplicating Subdiagrams

Right-click a structure border and select Add Case (or Frame or Subdiagram) After or Before, if available, from the shortcut menu to add a subdiagram. You also can press the <Shift-Enter> keys in the selector label to add a subdiagram to a structure.

Complete the following steps to make a copy of the visible subdiagram in a Case, Stacked Sequence, Conditional Disable, Diagram Disable, or Type Specialization structure and insert it after the original subdiagram.

  1. Move to the subdiagram you want to duplicate.
  2. Right-click the structure border and select Duplicate Case (or Frame or Subdiagram) from the shortcut menu. The duplicate subdiagram contains all objects from the original subdiagram except block diagram terminals that correspond to front panel objects.
Note Note  You also can press the <Ctrl-Shift-Enter> keys in the case selector label to duplicate the visible subdiagram of a Case structure.
  1. If you are configuring a Conditional Disable structure, right-click the structure border and select Duplicate Subdiagram from the shortcut menu to display the Configure Condition dialog box. Select a Symbol and enter a Value in the Configure Condition dialog box.
Note Note  If you do not use the Conditional Disable structure in a LabVIEW project, RUN_TIME_ENGINE, TARGET_BITNESS, and TARGET_TYPE are the only symbols available. If you use the Conditional Disable structure in a LabVIEW project, you also can create and define symbols using the Conditional Disable Symbols page.

Consider the following issues when you add or duplicate a subdiagram: