Source Files Page (Web Service Properties Dialog Box)

Requires: Full Development System (Windows)

Note  In LabVIEW 2013, you no longer configure Web services via build specifications. You can continue to use this build specification, or you can convert the build specification to the new format. To download the conversion tool, visit the National Instruments website.

Use this page of the Web Service Properties dialog box to add and remove files to build into the Web service.

This page includes the following components:

You cannot move the following files to the Service VIs or Always Included listbox:

Service VIs

Always Included

If you move a library or LabVIEW class to the Always Included listbox, LabVIEW labels all items in the library or class referenced. You can still designate any of the individual items as exported VIs. However, if you move any part of an XControl to the Always Included listbox, LabVIEW dims the related XControl files and includes the related files in the build. You cannot designate any of the related items as service VIs.