Note In LabVIEW 2013, you no longer configure Web services via build specifications. You can continue to use this dialog box and the current build specification, or you can convert the build specification to the new format. To download the conversion tool, visit the National Instruments website.
Click the Configure VI button on the Source Files page of the Web Service Properties dialog box to display this dialog box. Use the Configure RESTful VI dialog box to configure the VI as a Web method or auxiliary VI, as well as configure the format that the VI returns data to the Web client. You also can configure the VI to use connector pane terminals or streaming to exchange data.
This page includes the following components:
Service VI Type—Configures a service VI as a Web method VI or auxiliary VI.
RESTful Web method VI—Specifies the service VI as a Web method.
Load VI at startup—Loads the HTTP method VI immediately upon invoking the Web service.
Keep VI in memory—Preserves the HTTP method VI in memory while a deployed Web service executes.
Output type—Specifies whether to output data through VI terminals or stream the data through the Web Server.
Terminal—Configures the service VI to output data through the VI terminals.
Output format—Specifies the output terminal data as JSON, XML, text, or HTML format. By default, the VI returns data in JSON format.
Stream—Configures the service VI to output data by streaming the data through the Web Server.
Use headers—Configures the service VI with streaming output to include HTTP headers.
Buffered—Configures the service VI to buffer the streaming output.
Auxiliary VI—Specifies the service VI as an auxiliary VI.