This dialog box appears when you deploy an item in the Project Explorer window and LabVIEW returns one or more deployment conflicts. For example, this dialog appears if you deploy a VI to a target that is turned off.
Note If you encounter deployment difficulties while connecting to a Windows Embedded Standard target, you can attempt to troubleshoot the issue.
Note If you encounter deployment difficulties while using the LabVIEW Real-Time Module, you can attempt to troubleshoot the issue.
This dialog box includes the following components:
Conflicts—Lists all conflicts and conflict resolutions for the item(s) you deploy in the Project Explorer window. A yellow warning triangle appears on any conflicting items. Select an item from the list to resolve the conflict. If you can resolve the conflict, a pull-down menu appears in the Conflict Resolution column. Select an option from the list to resolve the conflict.
Note A white exclamation point with a red background appears on items with conflicts that LabVIEW cannot resolve from this dialog box. For example, you might have to manually reconnect or power on the target to resolve this type of conflict.
Previous—Highlights the previous item with a conflict in the Conflicts list.
Next—Highlights the next item with a conflict in the Conflicts list.
Conflict message—Displays an explanation of the conflict you select in the Conflicts list.
Apply—Applies the resolution(s) you select in the Conflict Resolution list. If any of the selected resolutions lead to additional conflicts, this dialog box refreshes the Conflicts and Conflict Resolution lists.
OK—Applies the resolution(s) you select in the Conflict Resolution list, closes this dialog box, and continues the deployment process. This button appears only if all active deployment conflicts can be resolved without need for further action.
Cancel—Closes this dialog box and cancels deployment.