Identifying When LabVIEW Compiles a VI

In order to run a VI, LabVIEW must translate, or compile, the code of the VI into a form that the LabVIEW Runtime Engine can execute. After you make certain changes to the VI, LabVIEW must eventually recompile the code. However, because compilation requires time and memory, LabVIEW does not immediately recompile the code while you edit the VI. Instead, LabVIEW recompiles the VI the next time you perform one of the following actions:

Changes That Require LabVIEW to Recompile a VI

LabVIEW marks a VI as needing recompilation when you perform one of the following actions:

Related Information

Effects of Code Complexity on Compile Time

Choosing between Editor Responsiveness and VI Execution Speed

Separating Compiled Code from a File