Sending Data to a Deployed Application Using URLs (Real-Time, Windows)

Parent Topic: Transferring Data between Web Services and Clients

Note��For more information about concepts in this topic, refer to the Web services introduction and tutorial. LabVIEW Web services are available only in the LabVIEW Full Development System and the LabVIEW Professional Development System.

Clients use URLs and HTTP methods to transmit data directly to controls on the connector pane of HTTP method VIs, as well as to send values as POST data using the POST HTTP method. The URL that web clients use to exchange data with HTTP method VIs is built upon various values determined when you create a LabVIEW Web service. The following figure shows an example URL that a web client might use to exchange data with an HTTP method VI.

Related Information

Understanding URL Mappings and Query Strings in Web Services

Hosting Web Services