HTTP Method VI Settings Page (Web Service Properties Dialog Box)
Requires: Full Development System (Windows)
From the Project Explorer window, right-click a Web service project item and select Properties to display the Web Service Properties dialog box. Click HTTP Method VI Settings in the Category list to display this page.
Use this page to define the URL mapping that allows a Web client to invoke each HTTP method VI, the format that the VI returns data to the Web client, and permissions for accessing the HTTP method VI.
This page includes the following components:
Web Service VI table—Lists the HTTP method VIs the Web service contains in the project, as well as the HTTP method and URL mapping you configure for each VI on the URL Mapping tab.
Web Service VI Properties—Includes the following tabs on which you configure the HTTP method VI you select in the previous table:
URL Mapping—Includes the following components for defining how clients access the HTTP method VI:
Method—Specifies the HTTP method you want the client to send to the HTTP method VI: GET, PUT, POST, or DELETE.
Use standard URL mapping—Specifies to define the URL based on the standard structure of http://IP Address/Service name/Web Resource folder (if any). Remove the checkmark from this checkbox to append other characters to the URL.
Note Web clients set values for input terminals in the HTTP method VI using a query string appended to the URL mapping.
Include VI name in the URL—Specifies to include the name of the HTTP method VI, minus the file extension, in the URL clients use to invoke the VI.
URL—Displays the URL with which clients can invoke the HTTP method VI when the Web service is published. To edit the URL in this textbox, you must remove the checkmark from the Use standard URL mapping checkbox.
You can edit only the portion of the URL that follows the name of the Web resource to which the VI belongs, if one exists. Otherwise, you can edit only the portion of the URL after the Web service name.
Output Type—Includes the following components for configuring the format that the VI returns data to the Web client:
Terminal—Configures the service VI to output data through the VI terminals.
Output format—Specifies the output terminal data as JSON, XML, text, or HTML format. By default, the VI returns data in JSON format.
Stream—Configures the service VI to output data by streaming the data through the Web Server.
Use headers—Configures the service VI with streaming output to include HTTP headers.
Note You must enable this checkbox if you host Web services on the NI Web Server because NI Web Server does not support headerless mode.
Buffered—Configures the service VI to buffer the streaming output.
(Windows 64-bit)NI Web Server—Includes the following component for configuring privileges required to invoke the HTTP method VI. Use this tab only when you host Web services on the NI Web Server.
Required Privilege—Specifies the privilege that a user or group must have to exchange data using the selected URL mapping. You can establish privileges and assign those privileges to different roles on the NI Web Server Privileges page.
Application Web Server—Includes the following components for configuring permissions required to invoke the HTTP method VI. Use this tab only when you host Web services on an Application Web Server.
Required Permissions—Specifies a list of permissions that a user or group must have to exchange data using the selected URL mapping. You can establish permissions and assign those permissions to users and groups using the Security Configuration page when you configure a target using a Web browser.
Require API key—Specifies whether the selected URL mapping uses API key security.
Advanced—Includes the following components:
Load VI at startup—Loads the HTTP method VI immediately upon invoking the Web service.
Keep VI in memory—Preserves the HTTP method VI in memory while a deployed Web service executes.