Organization of LabVIEW

This topic describes the structure of the LabVIEW file system and the suggested locations for saving files.

Organization of the LabVIEW Directory Structure

This section describes the structure of the LabVIEW file system on Windows, macOS, and Linux. LabVIEW installs driver software for GPIB, DAQ, VISA, IVI, Motion Control, and IMAQ hardware depending on platform availability.

The labview directory contains the following groupings after you complete the installation.

Note��LabVIEW modules and toolkits you have installed might create additional directories within the labview directory.


Structure and Support

Learning and Instruction


Suggested Location for Saving Files

LabVIEW installs the vi.lib and the resource directories for LabVIEW system purposes only. Do not save your files in these directories.

You can save your files in the following directories:

You also can create a directory anywhere on your hard drive to store LabVIEW files that you create.

When you open a VI you place in the labview\help, labview\project, and labview\wizard directories from the Help, Tools, or File menu, LabVIEW opens the VI in a private application instance (NI.LV.Dialog).