NI Service Locator

The NI Service Locator stores registered services and returns data to a client who requests a service. The client can use a service name to query the NI Service Locator and obtain the port number associated with that service name. Thus, the client does not need to know the port number of the server application. The NI Service Locator runs as a background service and requires no user interaction.

Registering Services with the NI Service Locator

You can use the service name input of the TCP Create Listener function and the UDP Open function to register a service name and a port number with the NI Service Locator. You also can use the VI Server page of the Options dialog box to set the port number or service name. Use the Server:Port and Server:Service Name properties to set the port number or service name programmatically.

Refer to the following VIs for examples of using functions to register a service name:

Querying the NI Service Locator to Find Registered Services

After you register a service with the NI Service Locator, you can use the Open Application Reference function, the TCP Open Connection function, and the UDP Write function to query the NI Service Locator for the port number associated with a service name you specify.

Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about the NI Service Locator.