Using Build Specifications

Use Build Specifications in the Project Explorer window to create and configure build specifications for LabVIEW builds. A build specification contains all the settings for the build, such as files to include, directories to create, and settings for VIs. The following table lists the LabVIEW requirements for each build specification.

Build Specification Requires
Stand-alone application Application Builder or Professional Development System
Installers Application Builder or Professional Development System
.NET interop assemblies Application Builder or Professional Development System
Packages Application Builder or Professional Development System
Packed libraries Application Builder or Professional Development System
Shared libraries Application Builder or Professional Development System
Source distributions Base Development System or Full Development System
Web services Base Development System or Full Development System
Zip files Application Builder or Professional Development System
Note�� You must have the Application Builder installed to build stand-alone applications, shared libraries, installers, and zip files. The LabVIEW Professional Development System includes the Application Builder. If you use the LabVIEW Base Development System or Full Development System, you can purchase the Application Builder separately by visiting the National Instruments website. If you have already purchased the Application Builder, select Help�Activate LabVIEW Components to activate the product.

The build specification interface is a set of dialog boxes that allow you to customize your build specification type. Each dialog box has pages unique to each build specification type. For example, when building a stand-alone application, the Application Properties dialog box allows you to select which VIs launch at startup and which VIs are always included.

Note��If you previously hid Build Specifications in the Project Explorer window, you must display the item again to access it in the Project Explorer window.

You can create and configure the following types of build specifications:

Note��(Linux) Visit and enter the Info Code exjze4 for more information about the library that installs with LabVIEW.

You can distribute these files without the LabVIEW development system; however, to run stand-alone applications and shared libraries, users must have the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine installed.

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