Set Recipients VI

Owning Palette: SMTP Email VIs

Requires: Full Development System

Sets the list of recipients to whom you want to send the email. This VI overwrites the existing values before it executes.

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handle in specifies an SMTP client handle that references system resources that LabVIEW uses to make SMTP requests. You can create an SMTP client handle using the Open Handle VI.
to specifies an array of strings where each element contains the email address of one recipient to whom you want to address and send the email.
cc specifies an array of strings where each element contains the email address of one recipient who you want to receive a copy of the email.
bcc specifies an array of strings where each element contains the email address of one recipient who you want to receive a copy of the email but do not want to appear as a recipient of the email.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
handle out returns an SMTP client handle that references system resources that LabVIEW uses to make SMTP requests. You can wire this output to the handle in input of other SMTP Email VIs. Use the Close Handle VI to dispose of the handle and free system resources when you no longer need the handle.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.