Config TLS VI

Owning Palette: SMTP Email VIs

Requires: Full Development System

Sets the SMTP client certificate, certificate authority (CA) certificates bundle, and private key file paths for a TLS or SSL request.

LabVIEW opens and reads the certificate files when the Send VI executes on the same handle.

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private key password specifies a password for the private key file. If the private key file is not encrypted, you do not have to specify a private key password.
handle in specifies an SMTP client handle that references system resources that LabVIEW uses to make SMTP requests. You can create an SMTP client handle using the Open Handle VI.
CA certificate file specifies the path to a list of trusted certificate authority (CA) certificates. If you specify TRUE for the verify server control, the client verifies the server's identity against this list of trusted certificates.
client certificate file specifies the path to the client certificate file for servers that require client authentication. Some servers require this file to verify the identity of the client by using a trusted CA.
private key file specifies the path to a private key file that is part of the client certificate and client authentication process. If the server requires client authentication, you must specify a client certificate file and a private key file. If you need to transfer this file between client systems, especially over a network, you can assign a password when you create the private key file. To use password-protected private key files with this VI, assign the password to the private key password input.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
verify server specifies whether to check the server's certificate against the list of trusted CA certificates specified by the CA certificate file control. If TRUE, this VI verifies the server's identity against the list of trusted CA certificates for optimal security. If FALSE, this VI does not verify the server's identity and does not provide optimal security. Specifying FALSE allows the client to accept self-signed certificates signed by the certificate creator rather than a trusted CA. The default is TRUE.
handle out returns an SMTP client handle that references system resources that LabVIEW uses to make SMTP requests. You can wire this output to the handle in input of other SMTP Email VIs. Use the Close Handle VI to dispose of the handle and free system resources when you no longer need the handle.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.