Read Form Data VI

Owning Palette: Web Services VIs

Requires: Full Development System (Windows)

Reads a single form data value associated with the current HTTP request. Use this VI for requests that use the multipart/form-data encoding type.

Note  For more information about concepts in this topic, refer to the Web services introduction and tutorial.

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LabVIEW Web Service Request is an identifier used by Web Services VIs to reference a specific HTTP request. LabVIEW Web Service Request works similarly to a refnum in LabVIEW, allowing you to wire together Web Services VIs within your application. You must wire Web Services VIs to the LabVIEW Web Service Request control or an existing value from the LabVIEW Web Service Request out terminal of another VI.

When you use Web Services VI(s) within a Web method VI, you must assign the original LabVIEW Web Service Request control to the connector pane of the Web method VI.
key specifies the name of the form data element for which to return a value. For example, if an HTML form submits the post data, x=2&y=3, you can enter either x or y as the key to retrieve the respective value.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
LabVIEW Web Service Request out is an identifier that VIs on the Web Services palette use to reference a specific HTTP request. Use LabVIEW Web Service Request out to wire together Web Services VIs within your application.
value returns the value of the specified form data element.
mime type returns the MIME type of the form data associated with the HTTP request. Web clients can use HTML forms with the POST HTTP method or clients can use the POST VI to submit form data values to a Web service.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.