Protocols VIs and Functions

Owning Palette: Data Communication VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Protocols VIs and functions to exchange data between applications by using protocols such as TCP/IP, UDP, serial, IrDA, Bluetooth, and SMTP.

The VIs and functions on this palette can return serial error codes and SMTP email reply codes.

Palette ObjectDescription
Wait for Configured NetworkWaits until the system can contact the remote host.

Bluetooth VIs and FunctionsUse the Bluetooth VIs and functions to communicate with devices that use the Bluetooth communication protocol.
FTP VIsUse the FTP VIs to send and retrieve raw data and files to and from an FTP server.
HTTP Client VIsUse the HTTP Client VIs to build a Web client that interacts with servers, Web pages, and Web services. You can add HTTP headers, store cookies, provide authentication credentials, and send Web requests using HTTP methods such as POST, GET, PUT, HEAD, and DELETE. These VIs also can interact with LabVIEW Web services.
IrDA FunctionsUse the IrDA functions to establish a wireless communication link between VIs running on separate computers.
Serial VIs and FunctionsUse the Serial VIs and functions to access the VISA VIs and functions that communicate with devices connected to a serial port. Additional functions are also available on the VISA palette.
SMTP Email VIsUse the SMTP Email VIs to send email, including attached data and files, using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). You can use Transport Layer Security (TLS) to communicate with the SMTP server with added security. You also can specify authentication credentials for the SMTP client. However, you cannot use the SMTP Email VIs to receive information.
TCP VI and FunctionsUse the TCP VI and functions to interface with devices on a TCP network.
UDP VI and FunctionsUse the UDP VI and functions to exchange data with devices on a remote UDP socket.
WebDAV VIsUse the WebDAV VIs to transfer files securely to and from a WebDAV server. Web Distributing Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) allows you to store, edit, and manage documents and files on a web server or web share.