Invoke Node (ActiveX)

Owning Palette: ActiveX Functions

Requires: Base Development System (Windows)

Invokes a method or action on a reference. Most methods have associated parameters.

The node operates in the same way as a standard Invoke Node.


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reference is the refnum associated with the object on which you want to invoke a method or perform an action. If the Invoke Node class is Application or VI, you do not have to wire a refnum to this input. For the Application class, the default is the current application instance. For the VI class, the default is the VI containing the Invoke Node.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
input 1..n are example input parameters of a method.
reference out returns reference unchanged.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.
return value is an example return value of a method.
output 1..n are example output parameters of a method.

Invoke Node (ActiveX) Details

ActiveX does not support 64-bit integer data types. If you wire 64-bit integer data to a variant parameter of an ActiveX Invoke Node, LabVIEW converts the data to a double-precision, floating-point number. If you right-click the Invoke Node and select Select Class»ActiveX»Browse from the shortcut menu, LabVIEW displays the Select Object From Type Library dialog box.

On the front panel or block diagram, right-click an ActiveX object, select Create»Invoke Node, and select a method from the shortcut menu to invoke a method for the object. You also can invoke ActiveX-specific methods for an ActiveX object. On the block diagram, right-click an ActiveX object, select Create»Invoke Node, and select an ActiveX-specific method from the shortcut menu.