Security VIs

Owning Palette: HTTP Client VIs

Requires: Base Development System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Security VIs to encrypt and decrypt data transfers. You also can use these VIs with the Web Services Security VIs.

Palette ObjectDescription
ConfigKeyNegotiates a key with the host and adds the key to the client handle. Use this key with the Encrypt and Decrypt VIs to encrypt and decrypt data. This functionality only works with NI Web servers. Use the OpenHandle VI to open a client handle.
ConfigSSLProvides Transport Layer Security (TLS), previously known as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), authentication for Web requests associated with the client handle. Use TLS/SSL authentication with other HTTP Client VIs to send Web requests to a server, Web page, or Web service using TLS/SSL.
DecryptDecrypts data using the key associated with the client handle. Associate a key with a client handle using the ConfigKey VI. This functionality only works with NI Web servers. Use the OpenHandle VI to open a client handle.
EncryptEncrypts data using the key associated with the client handle. Associate a key with a client handle using the ConfigKey VI. This functionality only works with NI Web servers. Use the OpenHandle VI to open a client handle.
SetAPIKeyProvides API Key authentication credentials for Web requests associated with the client handle. API key security is one available option to protect LabVIEW Web services. Client handles save the credentials across multiple Web requests. Use the Open Handle VI to open a client handle.