Spectral Analysis VIs

Owning Palette: Signal Processing VIs

Requires: Full Development System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Spectral Analysis VIs to perform array-based analysis on a spectrum.

The VIs on this palette can return signal processing error codes.

Palette ObjectDescription
Amplitude and Phase SpectrumComputes the single-sided, scaled amplitude spectrum of a real-valued time-domain signal and returns the amplitude spectrum as magnitude and phase.
Auto Power SpectrumComputes the single-sided, scaled, auto power spectrum of a time-domain signal.
Buneman Frequency EstimatorEstimates the frequency of a given sine wave of unknown frequency using the Buneman formula.
Cross PowerComputes the cross power spectrum, Sxy, of the input signals X and Y. Wire data to the X input to determine the polymorphic instance to use or manually select the instance.
Cross Power SpectrumComputes the single-sided, scaled, cross power spectrum of two real-time signals.
Power & Frequency EstimateComputes the estimated power and frequency around the peak frequency in the power spectrum of a time-domain signal.
Power SpectrumComputes the Power Spectrum, Sxx, of the input sequence X. Wire data to the X input to determine the polymorphic instance to use or manually select the instance.

Spectrum Unit ConversionConverts either the power, amplitude, or gain (amplitude ratio) spectrum to alternate formats including Log (decibel and dbm) and spectral density.
STFT SpectrogramsComputes the signal energy distribution in the joint time-frequency domain, using the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) algorithm.
Unevenly Sampled Signal SpectrumCalculates the power spectrum of a signal that is unevenly spaced in time.
WVD SpectrogramComputes the energy distribution of the input signal in the joint time-frequency domain using the Wigner-Ville distribution (WVD) algorithm.