Auto Power Spectrum VI

Owning Palette: Spectral Analysis VIs

Requires: Full Development System

Computes the single-sided, scaled, auto power spectrum of a time-domain signal.

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Signal specifies the input time-domain signal, usually in volts. The time-domain record must contain at least three cycles of the signal for a valid estimate.
dt is the sample period of the time-domain signal, usually in seconds. Set dt to 1/fs, where fs is the sampling frequency of the time-domain signal. The default is 1.
Power Spectrum returns the single-sided power spectrum. If the input Signal is in volts (V), Power Spectrum has units of volts-rms squared (Vrms2). If the input Signal is not in volts, Power Spectrum has units of the input signal unit-rms squared.
df is the frequency interval of the power spectrum in hertz, if dt is in seconds.

Auto Power Spectrum Details

This VI computes the power spectrum using the following equation.

where n is the number of points in the Signal and * denotes the complex conjugate. This VI then converts the power spectrum into a single-sided power spectrum.

Related Information

Output Units for FFT-Based VIs


Refer to the FFT and Power Spectrum Units VI in the labview\examples\Signal Processing\Transforms directory for an example of using the Auto Power Spectrum VI.

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