where H is the fast Givens rotation matrix.
The fast Givens rotation matrix and scale parameters must satisfy the following equation:
The rotation matrix flag determines the structure and value of certain elements in Rotation Matrix H as follows:
If rotation matrix flag is 1, H = | |
If rotation matrix flag is 0, H = | |
If rotation matrix flag is –1, H = | |
If rotation matrix flag is –2, H = |
where h11, h12, h21,and h22 are elements in Rotation Matrix.
Refer to the BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) website at netlib.org for more information on BLAS functions.
Refer to the QR decomposition update by Givens rotation VI in the labview\examples\Mathematics\Linear Algebra directory for an example of using the drotmg - Fast Givens Rotation Parameters (DBL) VI.