drotm - Fast Givens Rotation (DBL) VI

Owning Palette: Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines VIs

Requires: Full Development System

Rotates a set of two-element vectors based on the original x-components and y-components and on the Rotation Matrix and related parameters that the drotmg - Fast Givens Rotation Parameters VI calculates.

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yInc determines whether the VI skips elements in y in. The default is 1, meaning the VI does not skip any elements in y in.
Note  If you wire a value besides 1 to yInc, the VI uses only the elements that have indexes that are multiples of the number you wire. If yInc is less than 0, the VI reverses the order of the elements in y in. yInc cannot be 0.
xInc determines whether the VI skips elements in x in. The default is 1, meaning the VI does not skip any elements in x in.
Note  If you wire a value besides 1 to xInc, the VI uses only the elements that have indexes that are multiples of the number you wire. If xInc is less than 0, the VI reverses the order of the elements in x in. xInc cannot be 0.
x in is a real vector that contains the x-components of a set of two-element vectors.
y in is a real vector that contains the y-components of a set of two-element vectors.
rotation matrix flag specifies the flag that determines the structure for certain elements in Rotation Matrix.
Rotation Matrix is the 2 × 2 fast Givens rotation matrix.
x out is a real vector that contains the x-components of the set of two-element vectors after the rotation.
y out is a real vector that contains the y-components of the set of two-element vectors after the rotation.
error returns any error or warning from the VI. You can wire error to the Error Cluster From Error Code VI to convert the error code or warning into an error cluster.

drotm - Fast Givens Rotation (DBL) Details

Refer to the BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) website at netlib.org for more information on BLAS functions.


Refer to the QR decomposition update by Givens rotation VI in the labview\examples\Mathematics\Linear Algebra directory for an example of using the drotm - Fast Givens Rotation (DBL) VI.

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