Array Index / Replace Elements Border Node

Owning Palette: Structures

Requires: Base Development System

Right-click the border of an In Place Element structure and select the Add Array Index / Replace Elements option from the shortcut menu to place this border node on the In Place Element structure.


array specifies an n-dimensional array of any type.
index specifies the element you want to replace in the array. This border node gains an additional index parameter for each additional dimension of the array in the array input.
array returns the array you input with the replaced element(s).
index returns the element(s) you replaced in the array.

Array Index / Replace Elements Details

Use this border node to perform operations on an element or elements of an array and return the elements to the same location or locations in the array. Each array element you index with the border node on the left side of the structure must be placed back into the array with the border node on the right side of the structure by wiring the element back into the array. This border node allows the LabVIEW compiler to avoid making a complete value copy of the array and array elements in memory.

The border node on the left side of the structure is similar to the Index Array function. The border node on the right side of the structure is similar to the Replace Array Subset function.