Get GObject Label VI

Owning Palette: VI Scripting VI and Functions

Requires: VI Scripting

Returns a string containing the label text of the object you specify and a reference to that label. This VI returns the same value as the Label.Text property.


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GObject specifies the reference to the object whose label you want to get.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
dup GObject returns the same GObject reference you wire to GObject.
Object Label returns a string that contains the label text of the object you specify in GObject. This parameter returns the same value as the Label.Text property.
Object Has Label? indicates whether the object has a label.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.
Label Reference returns a reference to the label of the object you specify in GObject.

Get GObject Label Details

This VI gets the label text of an object without requiring you to manually cast the GObject reference to the proper subclass. Instead, this VI attempts to cast the GObject reference to different LabVIEW subclasses until it casts to the correct one. Once the VI casts the GObject reference to the proper subclass, the VI returns the Label text and label reference values for that object.