Memory Control VIs and Functions

Owning Palette: Application Control VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Memory Control VIs and functions to improve LabVIEW memory performance.

Palette ObjectDescription
Always CopyPlaces the value of Input into a new memory location and returns the value in Output. Use this function to control the outcome of the LabVIEW compiler buffer allocation process.
Delete Data Value ReferenceRemoves LabVIEW access to the data that the data value reference or the external data value reference points to. This function deletes the reference but leaves the data intact. Memory leakage might occur if you do not delete the reference.
Get Memory StatusReturns the amount of physical memory that the LabVIEW process uses. This VI also returns the status of system-wide memory usage.
New Data Value ReferenceCreates a reference to data that you can use to transfer and access the data in a serialized way.
Request DeallocationDeallocates unused memory after the VI that contains this function runs.
Swap ValuesPlaces the value of the y input into the x' output and the value of the x input into the y' output without allocating memory to perform the operation.

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