Replicate Endpoint

Requires: Base Development System

Splits a One Element Stream channel into two One Element channels so that each of the readers of the channels receives a separate copy of the data written into the original channel.

You can drop this endpoint on the block diagram by right-clicking a One Element Stream channel and selecting Insert»Replicate.


one element stream is the channel wire that connects this endpoint to a writer endpoint and splits into two outgoing channels.
independent aborts? specifies whether signaling one of the outgoing channels to abort only causes that one outgoing channel to abort. The default is FALSE, which means if one of the outgoing channels aborts, the other will also abort.
one element stream copy 1 is the first outgoing channel wire that connects this endpoint to a reader endpoint.
one element stream copy 2 is the second outgoing channel wire that connects this endpoint to a reader endpoint.

Replicate Details

Related Information

One Element Stream