One Element Stream

Requires: Base Development System

Use the One Element Stream channel exactly the way you use a Stream channel with size equal to one. Allowing only one element in the buffer makes One Element Stream channels more optimized. They execute faster and save resources compared with Stream channels.

ReadWaits to read data from a One Element Stream channel.
Read ScheduledWaits to read an element from a One Element Stream channel at a scheduled time. The endpoint waits if no element is available in the channel at the scheduled time.
Read With AbortWaits to read an element from a One Element Stream channel or signals the channel to abort. This endpoint is the same as the Read endpoint except that it has an abort input and an aborted? output. You can use the abort capability of the One Element Stream channel to close a channel abruptly, ignoring any data left in the channel buffer. You must use this endpoint together with the Write With Abort endpoint.
ReplicateSplits a One Element Stream channel into two One Element channels so that each of the readers of the channels receives a separate copy of the data written into the original channel.
WriteWrites an element to a One Element Stream channel. The endpoint waits if the channel is full.
Write ScheduledWrites an element to a One Element Stream channel at a scheduled time. The endpoint waits until the scheduled time and continues waiting if the channel is full at the scheduled time.
Write With AbortWrites an element to a One Element Stream channel or signals the channel to abort. The endpoint waits if the channel is full. This endpoint is the same as the Write endpoint except that it has an abort input and an aborted? output. You can use the abort capability of the One Element Stream channel to close a channel abruptly, ignoring any data left in the channel buffer. You must use this endpoint together with the Read With Abort endpoint.