Set Number of Records Function

Owning Palette: Datalog Functions

Requires: Base Development System

Sets the size in records of the datalog file identified by refnum.

LabVIEW reduces the number of records in a datalog file by deleting the last records in the file until the records equal the number you enter. The number of records you enter must be smaller than the number of records the datalog file holds. This function is not a permanent limit, but an operation that affects the records already in the datalog file one time. For example, if a datalog file contains 10 records and you set the number of records to 5, then LabVIEW deletes the last 5 records. However, if you add 5 records, the file then contains 10 records.

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refnum identifies the datalog file whose size you want to set.
# of records is the size in records of the datalog file you want to set.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
refnum out returns refnum.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.