Datalog Functions

Owning Palette: Advanced File VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Datalog functions to open and close datalog files, read from and write to datalog files, get and set datalog file positions, and get and set the number of datalog records.

Palette ObjectDescription
Close FileCloses an open file specified by refnum and returns the path to the file associated with the refnum.
Get Datalog PositionReturns the current datalog position of the datalog file specified by refnum.
Get Number of RecordsReturns the size in records of the datalog file identified by refnum.
Open/Create/Replace DatalogOpens an existing datalog file, creates a new datalog file, or replaces an existing datalog file, programmatically or interactively using a file dialog box. This function does not work for files inside an LLB.
Read DatalogReads records from an open datalog file specified by refnum and returns it in record(s). Reading begins at the current datalog position. Use the Set Datalog Position function to move the current datalog position of the file.
Set Datalog PositionMoves the current datalog position of the file identified by refnum to the datalog position indicated by offset (in records) according to the mode in from.
Set Number of RecordsSets the size in records of the datalog file identified by refnum.
Write DatalogWrites record(s) to an open datalog file specified by refnum. Sets the current datalog position to the end of the file before writing.