Queue Operations Functions

Owning Palette: Data Communication VIs and Functions, Synchronization VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Queue Operations functions to create a queue for communicating data between sections of a block diagram or from another VI.

Unlike the Notifier Operations functions, the Queue Operations functions buffer data.

Palette ObjectDescription
Dequeue ElementRemoves an element from the front of a queue and returns the element.
Enqueue ElementAdds an element to the back of a queue.
Enqueue Element At Opposite EndAdds an element to the front of a queue.
Flush QueueRemoves all elements from a queue and returns the elements as an array.
Get Queue StatusReturns information about the current state of a queue, such as the number of elements currently in the queue.
Lossy Enqueue ElementAdds an element to a queue. If no space is available in the queue, this function removes an element from the front of the queue and discards the element to make space. Unlike the Enqueue Element function, this function does not wait for room in the queue to become available. Use the Obtain Queue function to set the maximum size of the queue.
Obtain QueueReturns a reference to a queue.
Preview Queue ElementReturns the element at the front of the queue without removing the element from the queue.
Release QueueReleases a reference to a queue.

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