Get Class Hierarchy from Class Name VI

Owning Palette: VI Scripting VI and Functions

Requires: VI Scripting

Returns an array of class names, in descending order of inheritance, from the top-level class name to the class name you specify. For example, if you specify WhileLoop in Class Name this VI returns the array [Generic, Gobject, Node, Structure, Loop, WhileLoop]. This VI works for any valid class name, regardless of whether you have scripting or private functionality turned on or off.

This VI works on any class name that you can select in a Class Specifier Constant, which includes anything under the VI Server class hierarchy except for Application and VI.

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Class Name is the VI Server class name of the object for which you want to get a class hierarchy.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
Class Hierarchy returns an array of class names, in descending order of inheritance, from the top-level class name to the class name you specify. For example, if you specify WhileLoop in Class Name this VI returns the array [Generic, Gobject, Node, Structure, Loop, WhileLoop].
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.