Cluster, Class, & Variant VIs and Functions

Owning Palette: Programming VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Cluster, Class & Variant VIs and functions to create and manipulate clusters and LabVIEW classes, convert LabVIEW data to a format you can manipulate independent of data type, add attributes to the data, and convert variant data to LabVIEW data.

Related Information

Creating LabVIEW Classes

Grouping Data with Arrays and Clusters

Handling Variant Data

Palette ObjectDescription
Array To ClusterConverts a 1D array to a cluster of elements of the same type as the array elements. Double-click the function to open the Cluster Size dialog box and set the number of elements in the cluster.
Build Cluster ArrayBundles each element input into a cluster and assembles all element clusters into an array of clusters.
BundleAssembles a cluster from individual elements.
Bundle By NameReplaces one or more cluster elements. This function refers to cluster elements by name instead of by their position in the cluster.
Call Parent Class MethodCalls the nearest ancestor implementation of a class method. You can use the Call Parent Class Method node only on the block diagram of a member VI that belongs to a class that inherits member VIs from an ancestor class. The child member VI must be a dynamic dispatching member VI and have the same name as the ancestor member VI. You cannot use this node to invoke methods from ancestor interfaces.
Cluster ConstantUse this constant to supply a constant cluster value to the block diagram.
Cluster To ArrayConverts a cluster of elements of the same data type to a 1D array of elements of the same data type.
Get LV Class Default ValueReturns the class data for the class whose path you wire to the class path input. If the class is not in memory, LabVIEW attempts to load it from disk. If any dependencies are missing, LabVIEW searches for the missing dependencies. If LabVIEW cannot find the dependency, LabVIEW assumes the dependency is missing and does not prompt the user to browse to the needed file.
Get LV Class Default Value By NameReturns the class data for the class whose name you wire to the class name input. If the class is not in memory or is broken, LabVIEW returns an error.
Get LV Class NameReturns the name of the class of the object.
Get LV Class PathReturns the path to the class of the object.
Index & Bundle Cluster ArrayIndexes a set of arrays and creates a cluster array in which the ith element contains the ith element of each input array.
LV Object ConstantThe LabVIEW Object is the common ancestor data type for all LabVIEW classes. You can use the LabVIEW Object to create generic methods that can handle all LabVIEW class data types.
Preserve Run-Time ClassChecks at run time whether object in is of the same class as, or is a child class of, target object.

Use this function on the block diagram of a subVI when you want to guarantee that LabVIEW downcasts a LabVIEW class output of the subVI node to the same class type as a LabVIEW class input when the subVI receives a child class of the expected input type.
To More Generic ClassTypecasts a reference, such as a control or a type definition, to a more generic class or interface in the inheritance hierarchy.
To More Specific ClassTypecasts a reference, such as a control or a type definition, to a more specific class or interface in the inheritance hierarchy.
UnbundleSplits a cluster into each of its individual elements.
Unbundle By NameReturns the cluster elements whose names you specify.

Variant VIs and FunctionsUse the Variant VIs and functions to add, retrieve, and delete attributes in LabVIEW variants, manipulate variants, and retrieve data types of variants.