Bundle By Name Function

Owning Palette: Cluster, Class, & Variant VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System

Replaces one or more cluster elements. This function refers to cluster elements by name instead of by their position in the cluster.

After you wire the node to an input cluster, right-click the name terminals to select elements from the shortcut menu. You also can use the Operating tool to click the name terminals and select from a list of cluster elements. The connector pane displays the default data types for this polymorphic function.


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input cluster is the cluster whose elements you want to replace. At least one element of input cluster must have an owned label. You must always wire the input cluster terminal.
element 0..m-1 are the elements of input cluster you want to replace by name. You only can replace elements with owned labels. Select the correct element 0..m-1 by clicking a name terminal and selecting a name from the shortcut menu.
output cluster is the cluster whose value is the resulting cluster.

Bundle By Name Details

When you use the Bundle by Name function on nested clusters, you can display both the element name and the owning cluster name for elements in the nested cluster by right-clicking the function and selecting Show Full Names. This is useful when element names in nested clusters are identical or similar.