Application Properties (ActiveX)

Requires: Base Development System

An Application object exports properties that affect LabVIEW.

Refer to the ActiveX Enumerations for more information about the enumerations used in various properties.

AllProjectsReturns an array of references to each LabVIEW project in memory. You can use these references with the Project properties. Details
AllVIsInMemoryReturns a list of VIs in memory for the calling VI application instance. This property returns an error if you use it to return a list of remote VIs. Use the ExportedVIs property to return a list of exported VIs. This property is read only. This property is available only in the local versions of LabVIEW. Details
AppKindIndicates the LabVIEW instance the VI is running in, including invalid application types. Details
ApplicationDirectoryAbsolute path to the directory where the application is located. This property is read only. Details
AppNameFilename of the application. This property is read only. Details
AppTargetCPUIndicates the target CPU of an application. This property is read only. Details
AppTargetOSIndicates the operating system for which the application was built. Mac OS refers to Mac OS versions 9 and 8. Carbon refers to Mac OS X. This property is read only. Details
AutomaticCloseSpecifies whether the application closes when all the references to it are released. The default is TRUE. Details
CmdArgsReturns an array of user-defined command-line arguments passed when LabVIEW launched. Details
DefaultDataLocationPath to the LabVIEW Data directory. Details
ExportedVIsReturns a list of exported VIs in memory. This property is read only. Details
LanguageIndicates the language of the LabVIEW environment or stand-alone application as a string according to ISO 639. Values include en, de, fr, ja, ko, and zh-cn. Details
OSBuildNumberBuild number of the actual operating system. This string returns an alphanumeric value of the build number that you can use to compare the build version of operating systems. This property is read only. Details
OSDetailedNameDetailed name of the operating system where the application is actually running. This string value returns the operating system and its version, such as Microsoft Windows XP. This property is similar to a combination of OSName and OSVersion, which return the platform name and a numeric version number respectively. This property is read only. Details
OSNameName of the operating system where the application is actually running. This string value is the same as AppTargetOS, except among versions of Windows—specifically, AppTargetOS has one enumeration on Windows XP while OSName returns the exact version of Windows your application is running on. This property is read only. Details
OSVersionVersion number of the actual operating system. This property is read only. Details
PrintDefaultPrinterGets or sets the name of the default printer in LabVIEW. Details
PrintersAvailableReturns an alphabetized array of printer names available on the computer. Details
PrintingColorDepthIf TRUE, LabVIEW sends color/grayscale output to the printer. If FALSE, LabVIEW sends monochrome output to the printer. Details
PrintMethodGets or sets how LabVIEW prints. Details
PrintSetupCustomClusterConstantsSpecifies whether to print the hidden contents of iconified cluster constants that might be present on the block diagram when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
PrintSetupCustomConnectorSpecifies whether to print the connector pane and icon of VIs when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
PrintSetupCustomControlDescSpecifies whether to print descriptions of front panel controls when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
PrintSetupCustomControlsSpecifies whether to print LabVIEW front panel control information when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. This property does not affect the image of the front panel, just the list of controls and indicators in the generated documentation. Details
PrintSetupCustomControlTypesSpecifies whether to print data type information for LabVIEW front panel controls when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
PrintSetupCustomDescriptionSpecifies whether to print VI descriptions when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
PrintSetupCustomDiagramSpecifies whether to print LabVIEW block diagrams when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
PrintSetupCustomDiagramHiddenSpecifies whether to print the hidden frames in LabVIEW Case and Stacked Sequence structures that might be present on the block diagram when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
PrintSetupCustomDiagramRepeatSpecifies whether to print visible subdiagrams of each Case, Event, and Stacked Sequence structure in sequence with the non-visible subdiagrams when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. If you print the visible frames in sequence, those frames will print twice. Details
PrintSetupCustomExpressVIConfigInfoSpecifies whether to print the configuration information for any LabVIEW Express VIs on the block diagram when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
PrintSetupCustomHierarchySpecifies whether to print the hierarchy of the VI in memory when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
PrintSetupCustomHistorySpecifies whether to print the VI revision history information when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
PrintSetupCustomLabelSpecifies whether to print the label and/or caption for each control when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
PrintSetupCustomPanelSpecifies whether to print the LabVIEW front panel when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
PrintSetupCustomPanelBorderSpecifies whether to print the LabVIEW front panel with a border when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. Details
PrintSetupCustomSubVIsSpecifies whether to print a list of the LabVIEW subVIs and Express VIs including the icon, name, and path when using the custom format with one of the print documentation VI methods. If a polymorphic VI is a subVI, LabVIEW prints the instance used in the top-level VI including the icon, name, and path. If the top-level VI is polymorphic, LabVIEW prints a list of all the instances of the polymorphic VI including the icon, name, and path of each instance. Details
PrintSetupFileWrapTextMaximum number of characters on a single line in a file. Affects the PrintVIToHTML, PrintVIToRTF, and PrintVIToText methods. Set this property to 0 to print all the characters on one line so the text does not wrap. Details
PrintSetupJPEGQualityPercentage value from 0 to 100 specifying the level of quality you want for the JPEG graphic in VIs printed either interactively or with the PrintVIToHTML method. The scale balances image quality and file size. A value in the 75-95 range produces a compressed file with a high-quality image, and a value below 50 produces a smaller file size with a low-quality image. The default is 80. Details
PrintSetupPNGCompressLevelNumber between –1 and 9 that specifies the level of compression you want for the PNG file for graphics in VIs printed either interactively or with the PrintVIToHTML method. The quality of the graphic is not affected by the compression, but the graphic file size and speed of compression are affected by this value. Valid values range from –1 to 9 and balance file compression with speed. 0 designates no compression. 1 designates the best speed with some compression. 9 designates the best compression, but slower speed. –1 (the default value) designates the best combination of good compression and speed. Details
RTHostConnectedIf you are not targeted to a real-time (RT) platform, this property is always TRUE. If you are targeted to an RT-platform and the host is connected, this property is TRUE. When this property is FALSE, the host is not connected, requiring that the Real-Time Module application must be able to handle all operations independent of the host. Use this property to determine when it is safe to display a dialog box that requires user interaction. Details
SaveVersionThe version number of the LabVIEW file format to which LabVIEW documents are saved by the application. This version number might be different than the version number of the application. For example, a LabVIEW with version number 9.0.1 will save LabVIEW documents with a file format version of 9.0. Details
SaveVersionsAn array of the LabVIEW versions to which this version of LabVIEW can save. The array is in reverse chronological order, with the element at position zero in the array being the current version of LabVIEW. Each element of the array is a valid version to pass to VI server functions which save to previous versions. Details
ShowFPTipStripsWriting the property: Setting this property to TRUE enables the display of tip strips on LabVIEW front panel controls. Setting the property to FALSE prevents them from being displayed. Reading the property: Specifies whether tip strips display when idling over controls on the front panel. Details
UserNameUser name used to open the application. This property is read only. Details
VersionVersion number of the application. In a stand-alone application or shared library, this property returns the version of the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine. This property is read only. Details
VersionYearVersion year of the application. In a built application or shared library, this property returns the version year of the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine. Details
VIServerPortGets or sets the LabVIEW VI server port. LabVIEW returns an error if you attempt to access this property on a remote application. Details