PrintVIToText Method

Requires: Base Development System

Class: VI Methods (ActiveX)

Saves the VI information to a text file. You cannot save the icon, connector pane, front panel, block diagram, subVI icons, and VI hierarchy to text.


object.PrintVIToText(textFilePath, [append], [format])


textFilePathStringPath to the text file in which you want to save the VI information. The directory in which you want to save the file must already exist, and you must specify a full path including the text filename.
appendBooleanSpecifies whether the new information will be appended to an existing file. The default is FALSE.
formatPrintFormatEnumSpecifies which VI information to print and the format of the printout. You can select from eCustom, eStandard, eUsingPanel, eUsingSubVI, or eComplete.
Note  The eCustom, eStandard, eUsingPanel, and eUsingSubVI parameters print only connector pane controls.

Return Value
