Select a real-time target to display a target probe in the Auto View. You also can right-click the target and select Probe to display the probe in a separate window. Click the CPU/Memory tab of a real-time target probe to display this view. Use this view to monitor CPU and memory usage on the target.
This view includes the following components:
CPU N Usage Chart (%)—Tracks utilization of CPU N over time, as a percentage of capacity.
Memory Usage Chart (MB)—Tracks target memory usage over time.
CPU N Statistics—Includes current CPU usage statistics including total CPU usage, CPU usage by priority level, and CPU usage dedicated to Timed Structures and interrupt service routines (ISRs). Each value represents a percentage of total capacity.
Memory Statistics—Displays current memory usage data.
Allocated—The amount of memory, in MB, currently allocated on the target.
Available—The amount of memory, in MB, currently available on the target.
Contiguous—The largest contiguous block of available memory on the target, in MB.
Total—The total amount of memory available to the operating system, in MB.
Usage—The percentage of total memory currently allocated on the target.