Viewing and Setting the Scan Engine Mode (NI Scan Engine)

You can use the Scan Engine page of a target probe to view and set the scan engine mode of a target with the NI Scan Engine installed.

Complete the following steps to view and set the scan engine mode.

  1. Click a scan-enabled target in the system tree to display a target probe in the Auto View. You also can right-click a target and select Probe to display a target probe in a separate window.
  2. The Scan Engine page of a target probe displays scan engine modes under the Scan Engine Enabled LED indicator and highlights the current scan engine mode with a green LED indicator.
  3. Use the Change to Config button to set the scan engine mode to Config Mode or the Change to Active button to set the scan engine mode to Active Mode. You cannot enter Active Mode directly from Fault Mode. You must first clear all major faults on the target.
Note  Entering Config Mode from Fault Mode automatically converts all major faults to minor faults. You cannot enter fault mode manually. The target enters fault mode only when a major or unrecoverable fault occurs.