Uniform White Noise PtByPt VI

Owning Palette: Signal Generation PtByPt VIs

Requires: Full Development System

Generates a uniformly distributed, pseudorandom pattern whose values are in the range [–a:a], where a is the absolute value of amplitude.

This VI is similar to the Uniform White Noise VI.

Note  By default, reentrant execution is enabled in all Point By Point VIs.

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initialize, when TRUE, initializes the internal state of the VI.
amplitude is the amplitude of uniform white noise. The default is 1.0.
seed, when greater than 0, causes reseeding of the noise sample generator. The default is –1. LabVIEW maintains the internal seed state independently for each instance of this VI. For a specific instance of this VI, if seed is less than or equal to 0, LabVIEW does not reseed the noise generator, and the noise generator resumes producing noise samples as a continuation of the previous noise sequence.
uniform white noise contains the uniformly distributed, pseudorandom pattern.