Savitzky Golay Filter PtByPt VI

Owning Palette: Filters PtByPt VIs

Requires: Full Development System

Performs fitting based on a polynomial of a given order and then smooths the curve instead of returning raw data.

Note  By default, reentrant execution is enabled in all Point By Point VIs.


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initialize, when TRUE, initializes the internal state of the VI.
x is an input data point.
side points specifies the number of data points to each side of the current data point to use for the least squares minimization. side points*2 + 1 is the length of the moving window, which must be greater than the order polynomial. This number determines the amount of data used to fit the curve. For example, the default value 6 for side points generates a history length 2*(6) + 1, or 13. The VI uses 13 points to fit the curve.
order polynomial specifies the order of the polynomial. The default is 3. In the case of the Savitzky Golay Filter PtByPt VI, the order is a polynomial. For example, when you set order polynomial to 2, the VI uses quadratic fitting.
Filtered x is the fitted and smoothed data point.
error returns any error or warning from the VI. You can wire error to the Error Cluster From Error Code VI to convert the error code or warning into an error cluster.

Savitzky Golay Filter PtByPt Details

You can use the Savitzky Golay Filter PtByPt VI in real-time operation.