Tones and Noise Waveform VI

Owning Palette: Waveform Generation VIs

Requires: Full Development System

Generates a waveform composed of a sum of sine tones, noise, and DC offset.


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reset signal, if TRUE, resets the phase of each tone to the phase value from the tones array, the seed to the seed control value, and the time stamp to zero. The default is FALSE.
tones contains the parameters for each sine tone.
frequency specifies the frequency of the sine tone in hertz.
amplitude specifies the amplitude of the sine tone.
phase specifies the initial phase of the sine tone in degrees. The default is 0.
noise specifies the rms level of the additive Gaussian noise. The default is 0.0.
offset is the DC offset of the signal. The default is 0.0.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. With the following exception, this input provides standard error in functionality.

This node runs normally even if an error occurred before this node runs.
sampling info contains sampling information.
Fs is the sampling rate in samples per second. The default is 1000.
#s is the number of samples in the waveform. The default is 1000.
seed, when greater than 0, causes reseeding of the noise sample generator. The default is –1. LabVIEW maintains the internal seed state independently for each instance of this reentrant VI. For a specific instance of this VI, if seed is less than or equal to 0, LabVIEW does not reseed the noise generator, and the noise generator resumes producing noise samples as a continuation of the previous noise sequence.
signal out is the generated waveform.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.


Refer to the 1D Fourier Interpolation VI in the labview\examples\Mathematics\Interpolation directory for an example of using the Tones and Noise Waveform VI.

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