restart averaging specifies whether the VI restarts the selected averaging process. If restart averaging is TRUE, the VI restarts the selected averaging process. If restart averaging is FALSE, the VI does not restart the selected averaging process. The default is FALSE. When you call this VI for the first time, the averaging process restarts automatically. A typical case when you should restart averaging is when a major input change occurs in the middle of the averaging process.
time signal is the input time-domain waveform.
window (Hanning) is the time-domain window to apply to the time signal. The default window is Hanning.
0 | Rectangle | 1 | Hanning (default) | 2 | Hamming | 3 | Blackman-Harris | 4 | Exact Blackman | 5 | Blackman | 6 | Flat Top | 7 | 4 Term B-Harris | 8 | 7 Term B-Harris | 9 | Low Sidelobe | 11 | Blackman Nutall | 30 | Triangle | 31 | Bartlett-Hanning | 32 | Bohman | 33 | Parzen | 34 | Welch | 60 | Kaiser | 61 | Dolph-Chebyshev | 62 | Gaussian |
view defines how the different results from this VI are returned.
dB On specifies whether the results are expressed in decibels. The default is FALSE.
unwrap phase specifies whether to unwrap the phase. Unwrapping eliminates discontinuities that have an absolute value greater than pi. The default is FALSE, meaning the phase is not unwrapped. When unwrap phase is TRUE, the phase is unwrapped.
convert to degree specifies whether the phase results are converted from radians to degrees. The default is FALSE, which means that results are expressed in radians.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
averaging parameters is a cluster that defines how this VI computes the averaging. The specifications of the parameters include the type of averaging, the type of weighting, and the number of averages.
averaging mode specifies the averaging mode.
0 | No averaging (default) | 1 | Vector averaging | 2 | RMS averaging | 3 | Peak hold |
weighting mode specifies the weighting mode for RMS and vector averaging.
0 | Linear | 1 | Exponential (default) |
number of averages specifies the number of averages used for RMS and vector averaging. If weighting mode is exponential, the averaging process is continuous. If weighting mode is linear, the averaging process stops after this VI computes the selected number of averages.
window parameter specifies the beta parameter for a Kaiser window, the standard deviation for a Gaussian window, and the ratio, s, of the main lobe to the side lobe for a Dolph-Chebyshev window. If window is any other window, this VI ignores this input.
The default value of window parameter is NaN, which sets beta to 0 for a Kaiser window, the standard deviation to 0.2 for a Gaussian window, and s to 60 for a Dolph-Chebyshev window.
averaging done returns TRUE when averages completed is greater than or equal to the number of averages specified in averaging parameters. Otherwise, averaging done returns FALSE. averaging done is always TRUE if the selected averaging mode is No averaging.
magnitude returns the magnitude of the averaged FFT spectrum and the frequency scale.
f0 returns the start frequency, in hertz, of the spectrum.
df returns the frequency resolution, in hertz, of the spectrum.
magnitude is the magnitude of the averaged FFT spectrum. If the input signal is in volts (V), magnitude has units of volts-rms (Vrms). If the input signal is not in volts, magnitude has units of the input signal unit-rms. If dB On is TRUE and the input signal is in volts, magnitude has units of dBV.
phase returns the phase of the averaged FFT spectrum and the frequency scale.
f0 returns the start frequency, in hertz, of the spectrum.
df returns the frequency resolution, in hertz, of the spectrum.
phase is the phase, in radians, of the averaged FFT spectrum.
averages completed returns the number of averages completed by the VI at that time.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.
restart averaging specifies whether the VI restarts the selected averaging process. If restart averaging is TRUE, the VI restarts the selected averaging process. If restart averaging is FALSE, the VI does not restart the selected averaging process. The default is FALSE. When you call this VI for the first time, the averaging process restarts automatically. A typical case when you should restart averaging is when a major input change occurs in the middle of the averaging process.
time signals is the input array of time-domain waveforms.
window (Hanning) is the time-domain window to apply to the time signal. The default window is Hanning.
0 | Rectangle | 1 | Hanning (default) | 2 | Hamming | 3 | Blackman-Harris | 4 | Exact Blackman | 5 | Blackman | 6 | Flat Top | 7 | 4 Term B-Harris | 8 | 7 Term B-Harris | 9 | Low Sidelobe | 11 | Blackman Nutall | 30 | Triangle | 31 | Bartlett-Hanning | 32 | Bohman | 33 | Parzen | 34 | Welch | 60 | Kaiser | 61 | Dolph-Chebyshev | 62 | Gaussian |
view defines how the different results from this VI are returned.
dB On specifies whether the results are expressed in decibels. The default is FALSE.
unwrap phase specifies whether to unwrap the phase. Unwrapping eliminates discontinuities that have an absolute value greater than pi. The default is FALSE, meaning the phase is not unwrapped. When unwrap phase is TRUE, the phase is unwrapped.
convert to degree specifies whether the phase results are converted from radians to degrees. The default is FALSE, which means that results are expressed in radians.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
averaging parameters is a cluster that defines how this VI computes the averaging. The specifications of the parameters include the type of averaging, the type of weighting, and the number of averages.
averaging mode specifies the averaging mode.
0 | No averaging (default) | 1 | Vector averaging | 2 | RMS averaging | 3 | Peak hold |
weighting mode specifies the weighting mode for RMS and vector averaging.
0 | Linear | 1 | Exponential (default) |
number of averages specifies the number of averages used for RMS and vector averaging. If weighting mode is exponential, the averaging process is continuous. If weighting mode is linear, the averaging process stops after this VI computes the selected number of averages.
window parameter specifies the beta parameter for a Kaiser window, the standard deviation for a Gaussian window, and the ratio, s, of the main lobe to the side lobe for a Dolph-Chebyshev window. If window is any other window, this VI ignores this input.
The default value of window parameter is NaN, which sets beta to 0 for a Kaiser window, the standard deviation to 0.2 for a Gaussian window, and s to 60 for a Dolph-Chebyshev window.
averaging done returns TRUE when averages completed is greater than or equal to the number of averages specified in averaging parameters. Otherwise, averaging done returns FALSE. averaging done is always TRUE if the selected averaging mode is No averaging.
magnitudes is an array of magnitudes of the averaged FFT spectra, one per input waveform.
f0 returns the start frequency, in hertz, of the spectrum.
df returns the frequency resolution, in hertz, of the spectrum.
magnitude is the magnitude of the averaged FFT spectrum. If the input signal is in volts (V), magnitude has units of volts-rms (Vrms). If the input signal is not in volts, magnitude has units of the input signal unit-rms. If dB On is TRUE and the input signal is in volts, magnitude has units of dBV.
phases is an array of phases of the averaged FFT spectra, one per input waveform.
f0 returns the start frequency, in hertz, of the spectrum.
df returns the frequency resolution, in hertz, of the spectrum.
phase is the phase, in radians, of the averaged FFT spectrum.
averages completed returns the number of averages completed by the VI at that time.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.
restart averaging specifies whether the VI restarts the selected averaging process. If restart averaging is TRUE, the VI restarts the selected averaging process. If restart averaging is FALSE, the VI does not restart the selected averaging process. The default is FALSE. When you call this VI for the first time, the averaging process restarts automatically. A typical case when you should restart averaging is when a major input change occurs in the middle of the averaging process.
time signal is the input time-domain waveform.
window (Hanning) is the time-domain window to apply to the time signal. The default window is Hanning.
0 | Rectangle | 1 | Hanning (default) | 2 | Hamming | 3 | Blackman-Harris | 4 | Exact Blackman | 5 | Blackman | 6 | Flat Top | 7 | 4 Term B-Harris | 8 | 7 Term B-Harris | 9 | Low Sidelobe | 11 | Blackman Nutall | 30 | Triangle | 31 | Bartlett-Hanning | 32 | Bohman | 33 | Parzen | 34 | Welch | 60 | Kaiser | 61 | Dolph-Chebyshev | 62 | Gaussian |
view defines how the different results from this VI are returned.
dB On specifies whether the results are expressed in decibels. The default is FALSE.
unwrap phase specifies whether to unwrap the phase. Unwrapping eliminates discontinuities that have an absolute value greater than pi. The default is FALSE, meaning the phase is not unwrapped. When unwrap phase is TRUE, the phase is unwrapped.
convert to degree specifies whether the phase results are converted from radians to degrees. The default is FALSE, which means that results are expressed in radians.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
averaging parameters is a cluster that defines how this VI computes the averaging. The specifications of the parameters include the type of averaging, the type of weighting, and the number of averages.
averaging mode specifies the averaging mode.
0 | No averaging (default) | 1 | Vector averaging | 2 | RMS averaging | 3 | Peak hold |
weighting mode specifies the weighting mode for RMS and vector averaging.
0 | Linear | 1 | Exponential (default) |
number of averages specifies the number of averages used for RMS and vector averaging. If weighting mode is exponential, the averaging process is continuous. If weighting mode is linear, the averaging process stops after this VI computes the selected number of averages.
window parameter specifies the beta parameter for a Kaiser window, the standard deviation for a Gaussian window, and the ratio, s, of the main lobe to the side lobe for a Dolph-Chebyshev window. If window is any other window, this VI ignores this input.
The default value of window parameter is NaN, which sets beta to 0 for a Kaiser window, the standard deviation to 0.2 for a Gaussian window, and s to 60 for a Dolph-Chebyshev window.
averaging done returns TRUE when averages completed is greater than or equal to the number of averages specified in averaging parameters. Otherwise, averaging done returns FALSE. averaging done is always TRUE if the selected averaging mode is No averaging.
magnitude returns the magnitude of the averaged FFT spectrum and the frequency scale.
f0 returns the start frequency, in hertz, of the spectrum.
df returns the frequency resolution, in hertz, of the spectrum.
magnitude is the magnitude of the averaged FFT spectrum. If the input signal is in volts (V), magnitude has units of volts-rms (Vrms). If the input signal is not in volts, magnitude has units of the input signal unit-rms. If dB On is TRUE and the input signal is in volts, magnitude has units of dBV.
phase returns the phase of the averaged FFT spectrum and the frequency scale.
f0 returns the start frequency, in hertz, of the spectrum.
df returns the frequency resolution, in hertz, of the spectrum.
phase is the phase, in radians, of the averaged FFT spectrum.
averages completed returns the number of averages completed by the VI at that time.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.
restart averaging specifies whether the VI restarts the selected averaging process. If restart averaging is TRUE, the VI restarts the selected averaging process. If restart averaging is FALSE, the VI does not restart the selected averaging process. The default is FALSE. When you call this VI for the first time, the averaging process restarts automatically. A typical case when you should restart averaging is when a major input change occurs in the middle of the averaging process.
time signals is the input array of time-domain waveforms.
window (Hanning) is the time-domain window to apply to the time signal. The default window is Hanning.
0 | Rectangle | 1 | Hanning (default) | 2 | Hamming | 3 | Blackman-Harris | 4 | Exact Blackman | 5 | Blackman | 6 | Flat Top | 7 | 4 Term B-Harris | 8 | 7 Term B-Harris | 9 | Low Sidelobe | 11 | Blackman Nutall | 30 | Triangle | 31 | Bartlett-Hanning | 32 | Bohman | 33 | Parzen | 34 | Welch | 60 | Kaiser | 61 | Dolph-Chebyshev | 62 | Gaussian |
view defines how the different results from this VI are returned.
dB On specifies whether the results are expressed in decibels. The default is FALSE.
unwrap phase specifies whether to unwrap the phase. Unwrapping eliminates discontinuities that have an absolute value greater than pi. The default is FALSE, meaning the phase is not unwrapped. When unwrap phase is TRUE, the phase is unwrapped.
convert to degree specifies whether the phase results are converted from radians to degrees. The default is FALSE, which means that results are expressed in radians.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
averaging parameters is a cluster that defines how this VI computes the averaging. The specifications of the parameters include the type of averaging, the type of weighting, and the number of averages.
averaging mode specifies the averaging mode.
0 | No averaging (default) | 1 | Vector averaging | 2 | RMS averaging | 3 | Peak hold |
weighting mode specifies the weighting mode for RMS and vector averaging.
0 | Linear | 1 | Exponential (default) |
number of averages specifies the number of averages used for RMS and vector averaging. If weighting mode is exponential, the averaging process is continuous. If weighting mode is linear, the averaging process stops after this VI computes the selected number of averages.
window parameter specifies the beta parameter for a Kaiser window, the standard deviation for a Gaussian window, and the ratio, s, of the main lobe to the side lobe for a Dolph-Chebyshev window. If window is any other window, this VI ignores this input.
The default value of window parameter is NaN, which sets beta to 0 for a Kaiser window, the standard deviation to 0.2 for a Gaussian window, and s to 60 for a Dolph-Chebyshev window.
averaging done returns TRUE when averages completed is greater than or equal to the number of averages specified in averaging parameters. Otherwise, averaging done returns FALSE. averaging done is always TRUE if the selected averaging mode is No averaging.
magnitudes is an array of magnitudes of the averaged FFT spectra, one per input waveform.
f0 returns the start frequency, in hertz, of the spectrum.
df returns the frequency resolution, in hertz, of the spectrum.
magnitude is the magnitude of the averaged FFT spectrum. If the input signal is in volts (V), magnitude has units of volts-rms (Vrms). If the input signal is not in volts, magnitude has units of the input signal unit-rms. If dB On is TRUE and the input signal is in volts, magnitude has units of dBV.
phases is an array of phases of the averaged FFT spectra, one per input waveform.
f0 returns the start frequency, in hertz, of the spectrum.
df returns the frequency resolution, in hertz, of the spectrum.
phase is the phase, in radians, of the averaged FFT spectrum.
averages completed returns the number of averages completed by the VI at that time.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.
The single-channel version of this VI can perform single-channel measurements in both one-shot mode, meaning a single call, and continuous mode, meaning multiple calls with history. The single-channel version can perform multichannel measurements only in one-shot mode. If you want to make multichannel measurements in continuous mode, use the multichannel version of this VI.
The single-channel version of this VI maintains internal state information for a single channel only. Calling the single-channel version to process another channel without using the restart averaging control to clear the history results in an unexpected behavior of this VI. The unexpected behavior results from the VI passing the internal state information from one channel to another.