Continuous Convolution (FIR) VI

Owning Palette: Waveform Conditioning VIs

Requires: Full Development System

Convolves single or multiple waveforms and one or more kernels with state, allowing subsequent calls to be processed in a continuous manner. If you are convolving multiple waveforms, the VI maintains separate convolution states for each waveform.

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Continuous Waveform Convolution for 1 Chan

reset forces the internal history buffer to be reset to zero when it is TRUE.
signal in is the signal to be convolved with kernel.
kernel is the sequence by which signal in is convolved.
algorithm specifies the method used for computing the convolution. When algorithm is set to direct, the VI computes convolution using the direct form of linear convolution:

x*y[i] = Sum(x[k]y[i-k])

When algorithm is set to frequency domain (default), the VI computes convolution using an FFT-based technique.

1frequency domain
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
delay output with half kernel length causes signal out to be delayed in time by half the length of the kernel when TRUE. Half kernel length is computed by


where N is the number of elements in kernel, and dt is from signal in.
signal out is the result of the convolution of the of signal in and kernel.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

Continuous Waveform Convolution for N Chan

reset forces the internal history buffer to be reset to zero when it is TRUE.
signals in are the signals to be convolved with kernels.
kernels are the sequences by which signals in are convolved.
algorithm specifies the method used for computing the convolution. When algorithm is set to direct, the VI computes convolution using the direct form of linear convolution:

x*y[i] = Sum(x[k]y[i-k])

When algorithm is set to frequency domain (default), the VI computes convolution using an FFT-based technique.

1frequency domain
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
delay output with half kernel length causes signal out to be delayed in time by half the length of the kernel when TRUE. Half kernel length is computed by


where N is the number of elements in kernel, and dt is from signal in.
signals out is the result of the convolution of each element of signals in with the corresponding row of kernels.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.