Append Digital Samples VI

Owning Palette: Digital Waveform VIs and Functions

Requires: Base Development System

Appends all samples from digital waveform B to the end of digital waveform A. If the sampling rates do not match, error out returns a warning. The start time of digital waveform B is ignored. Wire data to the digital waveform A input to determine the polymorphic instance to use or manually select the instance.


Use the pull-down menu to select an instance of this VI.

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DWDT Append Digital Samples

default value specifies the value to use to fill in the extra signals of the digital data in digital waveform out if digital waveform A and digital waveform B do not have the same number of signals.

00 (default)—Force Down
11—Force Up
2Z—Force Z
3L—Compare Low
4H—Compare High
5X—Compare Don't Care
6T—Compare Invalid
7V—Compare Valid
digital waveform A is the first set of data in the digital waveform.
digital waveform B is the set of data to append to digital waveform A.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. With the following exception, this input provides standard error in functionality.

This node runs normally even if an error occurred before this node runs.
digital waveform out returns the waveform that results from appending digital waveform (low bits) to digital waveform (high bits). This output matches the compression of the input.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

DTbl Append Digital Samples

Appends all samples from digital data B to the end of digital data A. If the number of signals do not match, error out returns a warning. The number of samples do not have to be the same.

default value specifies the value to fill in the extra signals of digital data out if digital data A and digital data B do not have the same number of signals.

00 (default)—Force Down
11—Force Up
2Z—Force Z
3L—Compare Low
4H—Compare High
5X—Compare Don't Care
6T—Compare Invalid
7V—Compare Valid
digital data A is the first set of data.
digital data B is the set of data to append to digital data A.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. With the following exception, this input provides standard error in functionality.

This node runs normally even if an error occurred before this node runs.
digital data out returns the digital data that results from appending digital data (low bits) to digital data (high bits).
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.


Refer to the Append Digital Data By Sample VI in the labview\examples\Controls and Indicators\Graphs and Charts\Digital Waveform Graph directory for an example of using the Append Digital Samples VI.

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