Inherits from I/O Session class.
Long Name | Description |
VXI/VME Settings:Source Byte Order | Specifies the byte order to use in high-level access operations, such as VISA In X and VISA Move In X, when reading from the source. The default is Big Endian (0). Details |
General Settings:Slot | Returns the physical slot location of the device. If the slot is unknown, the value returned is -1. Details |
VXI/VME Settings:VXI Commander Logical Address | Returns the logical address of the commander of the VXI device. Details |
VXI/VME Settings:VXI Memory Base Address | Returns the base address of the device in VXI memory space. Details |
GPIB Settings:Unaddressing | Specifies whether to unaddress the device (UNT and UNL) after each read or write operation. The default is FALSE. Details |
GPIB Settings:Secondary Address | Returns the secondary address of the GPIB device used by the given session. If the device does not have a secondary address, the value of this property is 65535 (0xFFFF). Details |
VXI/VME Settings:Window Access Privilege | Specifies the address modifier to use in low-level access operations, such as VISA Map Address, VISA Peek X, and VISA Poke X, when accessing the mapped window. The default is Data/Privileged (0). Details |
VXI/VME Settings:Mainframe Logical Address | Returns the lowest logical address in the mainframe in which the device resides. Details |
General Settings:Model Name | Returns the model name of the device. Details |
GPIB Settings:Readdressing | Specifies whether to use repeat addressing before each read or write operation. The default is TRUE. Details |
Register Based Settings:Window Base Address | Returns the base interface address to which this window maps. If the Window Access property is Not Mapped, the value of this property is meaningless. Details |
Message Based Settings:File Append Enable | Specifies whether VISA Read To File appends or overwrites (truncates) when opening a file. If this property is set to TRUE, VISA Read To File appends when opening a file. If this property is set to FALSE, VISA Read To File�overwrites (truncates) when opening a file. The default is FALSE. Details |
General Settings:Allow DMA Transfers | Specifies whether I/O accesses should attempt to use DMA (TRUE) or Programmed I/O (FALSE). In some implementations, this property may have global effects even though it is documented as a local property. This behavior affects performance and not functionality. Details |
Message Based Settings:Is 488.2 Compliant | Returns whether the device is 488.2 compliant. Details |
Register Based Settings:Destination Increment Count | Specifies the number of elements by which to increment the destination address on block move operations. Valid values include 0 and 1. The default is 1. If this property is set to 0, VISA Move Out X operations always read from the same element, essentially treating the destination as a FIFO register. Details |
General Settings:Trigger Identifier | Specifies which trigger mechanism to use. In VXI systems, for example, you can choose between software triggers and hardware triggers on a specific trigger line. The default is Software. Details |
VXI/VME Settings:Immediate Servant | Returns whether the VXI device is an immediate servant of the local controller. Details |
VXI/VME Settings:Fast Data Channel:Use Channel Pairs | Specifies whether transfers use a pair of FDC channels. If you do not set this property, transfers use only one FDC channel. The default is FALSE. Details |
VXI/VME Settings:Source Access Privilege | Specifies the address modifier to use in high-level access operations, such as VISA In X and VISA Move In X, when reading from the source. The default is Data/Privileged (0). Details |
Register Based Settings:Window Size | Returns the size of the region mapped to this window. If the Window Access property is Not Mapped, the value of this property is meaningless. Details |
GPIB Settings:Line REN State | Returns the current state of the GPIB REN (Remote ENable) interface line. Details |
Interface Information:Interface Number of Parent | Returns the board number of the parent device. Details |
VXI/VME Settings:Fast Data Channel:Channel Mode | Specifies whether FDC transfers use normal or streaming mode. The default is Normal. Details |
VXI/VME Settings:Destination Access Privilege | Specifies the address modifier to use in high-level access operations, such as VISA Out X and VISA Move Out X, when writing to the destination. The default is Data/Privileged (0). Details |
Register Based Settings:Source Increment Count | Specifies the number of elements by which to increment the source address on block move operations. Valid values include 0 and 1. The default is 1. If this property is set to 0, VISA Move In X operations always read from the same element, essentially treating the source as a FIFO register. Details |
General Settings:Model Code | Returns the device model code assigned by the manufacturer. For VXI resources, this refers to the VXI Model Code. For PXI resources, if the subsystem PCI Vendor ID is nonzero, this refers to the subsystem Device ID. Otherwise, this refers to the Device ID. For USB resources, this refers to the Product ID (PID). Details |
VXI/VME Settings:VXI Device Class | Returns the class to which the VXI or VME device belongs. Details |
GPIB Settings:Primary Address | Returns the primary address of the GPIB device used by the given session. Details |
VXI/VME Settings:Destination Byte Order | Specifies the byte order to use in high-level access operations, such as VISA Out X and VISA Move Out X, when writing to the destination. The default is Big Endian (0). Details |
Message Based Settings:Suppress End Enable | Specifies whether to terminate a read operation due to an END condition. This property is relevant only in VISA Read and related operations. Details |
VXI/VME Settings:Supported VXI Trigger Lines | Returns which VXI trigger lines this implementation supports. This property returns a bit vector with bits 0-9 corresponding to TTL0 through ECL1. Details |
Register Based Settings:Window Access | Returns whether the current session has a mapped window, and if so, whether the window allows direct pointer dereferences. Details |
VXI/VME Settings:VXI Memory Size | Returns the size of memory requested by the device in VXI memory space. Details |
Message Based Settings:IO Protocol | Specifies which protocol to use. In VXI, you can choose normal word serial or fast data channel. In GPIB, you can choose normal or high-speed HS-488 transfers. In serial, TCP/IP, or USB, you can choose normal transfers or 488.2-defined strings. In USBTMC, you can choose normal or vendor-specific transfers. The default is Normal. Details |
General Settings:Manufacturer Identification | Returns the ID of the manufacturer that created the device. For VXI resources, this refers to the VXI Manufacturer ID. For PXI resources, if the subsystem PCI Vendor ID is nonzero, this refers to the subsystem Vendor ID. Otherwise, this refers to the Vendor ID. For USB resources, this refers to the Vendor ID (VID). Details |
General Settings:Manufacturer Name | Returns the name of the manufacturer that created the device. Details |
VXI/VME Settings:VXI Logical Address | Returns the logical address of the VXI device. Details |
Message Based Settings:Termination Character Enable | Specifies whether a read operation terminates when it receives the termination character. The default is FALSE. Details |
Message Based Settings:Termination Character | Specifies a character that, when read, causes a read operation to terminate. The termination character also must be enabled. This default is 0x0A (linefeed). Details |
VXI/VME Settings:Fast Data Channel:Channel Number | Specifies which FDC channel to use to transfer data buffers. Valid values include 0-7. Details |
Message Based Settings:Send End Enable | Specifies whether to send an END indicator on the last byte of each write operation. This property is relevant only in VISA Write and related operations. The default is TRUE. Details |
VXI/VME Settings:VXI Memory Address Space | Returns the VXI address space used by the device. Details |
VXI/VME Settings:Window Byte Order | Specifies the byte order to use in low-level access operations, such as VISA Map Address, VISA Peek X, and VISA Poke X, when accessing the mapped window. The default is Big Endian (0). Details |