Event Class

Inherits from VISA object class.

Long Name Description
Version Information:Version of Specification Returns the value that uniquely identifies the version of the VISA specification to which the implementation complies. The format of the value has the upper 12 bits as the major number of the version, the next lower 12 bits as the minor number of the version, and the lowest 8 bits as the sub-minor number of the version. Details
Version Information:Version of Implementation Returns the version of a given implementation. This value is defined by the individual manufacturer and increments with each new revision. The format of the value has the upper 12 bits as the major number of the version, the next lower 12 bits as the minor number of the version, and the lowest 8 bits as the sub-minor number of the version. Details
Version Information:Resource Manufacturer Name Returns the name of the manufacturer that created the implementation. This is not related to the device manufacturer attributes. Details
Version Information:Resource Manufacturer Identification Returns the VXI manufacturer ID of the manufacturer that created the VISA implementation. Details