Exporting VI Analyzer Results

Note Note  The VI Analyzer functionality this topic describes is available only if you install and activate the LabVIEW VI Analyzer Toolkit or if the LabVIEW Data\VI Analyzer Tests directory contains tests.

You can export VI Analyzer results in a format you can use with other applications. Complete the following steps to create a report of the results in ASCII or HTML format.

  1. From the VI Analyzer Results Window, click the Export button. The Export VI Analyzer Results dialog box appears.
  2. Enter the path and filename for the report in the Export File Path control. The default is a filename that consists of the current date and time, located in the labview directory.
  3. From the Export Type list, select the type of file you want. You can export the results either as a tab-delimited ASCII file, which is useful with spreadsheet applications, or as an HTML file, which is useful for viewing in Web browsers.
  4. From the Sort by list, select whether you want the results in the report sorted by VI name or by test name.
  5. Place checkmarks in the checkboxes next to the results you want to include in the report. By default, the Summary Data, Failed Tests, and Errors checkboxes contain checkmarks.
  6. Click the Export button to generate the file.

You also can save results into a VI Analyzer results file (.rsl) that you can load into the VI Analyzer Results Window at a later time.