EWF Get Config Information VI

Owning Palette: Enhanced Write Filter VIs

Requires: Application Builder or Professional System

Returns the enhanced write filter (EWF) configuration information of the current operating system. The configuration information includes information such as the EWF volume size, EWF mode, and whether EWF and HORM are enabled.


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error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
config information returns the EWF configuration information of the current operating system.
EWF volume size returns the size, in bytes, of the EWF volume. If the EWF mode is RAM or RAM Reg, EWF volume size returns a value of 0.
free EWF volume size returns the size, in bytes, of available space in the EWF volume. If the EWF mode is RAM or RAM Reg, free EWF volume size returns a value of 0.
protected volumes returns a 1D array of clusters that contains EWF configuration information. Each element of the array contains information about one EWF-protected volume.
EWF mode returns one of the following EWF configuration modes: Disk, RAM, and RAM Reg.
EWF enabled? returns whether EWF is enabled on the volume. If EWF enabled? is TRUE, the volume is enabled for EWF. If EWF enabled? is FALSE, the volume is not enabled for EWF.
HORM enabled? returns whether Hibernate Once Resume Many (HORM) is enabled on the volume. If HORM enabled? is TRUE, the volume is enabled for HORM. If HORM enabled? is FALSE, the volume is not enabled for HORM.
maximum level returns the maximum overlay level of the volume.
current level returns the current overlay level of the volume.
boot command returns one of the following commands to execute on the next system restart: No Command, Enable, Disable, Set Overlay Level, Commit.
command parameter 1 returns the first parameter of the command to execute on the next system restart.
command parameter 2 returns the second parameter of the command to execute on the next system restart.
volume name returns the name of the volume.
device name returns the name of the device that contains the volume.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.


Refer to the Windows Embedded Enabling Features.lvproj in the labview\examples\TouchPanel\Windows Embedded Enabling Features directory for an example of using the EWF Get Config Information VI.

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