Alignment:Vertical Property

Short Name: VerticalAlignment

Requires: Full Development System

Class: SceneText Properties

To Use: Create a property.

Specifies the alignment of a text object in a 3D scene relative to the horizontal plane that intersects the center-point of the text object. This property is an element of the Alignment property.

Note  The Base Line and Bottom Base Line options behave in the same manner as the Bottom option when you use the default font and the text object includes only one line of text. The Bottom Base Line option behaves in the same manner as the Bottom option when you use the default font and the text object includes more than one line of text. You must use a TrueType font to see the expected Base Line and Bottom Base Line behaviors.


0Top—(Default) The top of the text aligns with the origin of the text object.
1Bottom—The bottom of the text aligns with the origin of the text object. If the text includes descenders, such as the bottom portions of the letters y and g, the bottom of the text is the bottom of the descenders.
2Center—The center of the text aligns with the origin of the text object.
3Base Line—The bottom of the first line of text aligns with the base line of the text object. The base line is the horizontal plane that intersects the origin of the text object. Descenders, such as the bottom portions of the letters y and g, descend below the plane.
4Bottom Base Line—The bottom of the last line of text aligns with the base line of the text object. The base line is the horizontal plane that intersects the origin of the text object. Descenders in the last line of text, such as the bottom portions of the letters y and g, descend below the plane. If the text object includes only one line of text, this option behaves in the same manner as the Base Line option.


The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

Data type
Available in Run-Time EngineYes
Available in Real-Time Operating SystemYes
Settable when the VI is runningYes
Loads the front panel into memoryNo
Need to authenticate before useNo
Loads the block diagram into memoryNo
Remote access allowedYes